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Dear Mansour! Look back, Someone is tapping on your shoulder

In praise of Mansour Farzad

Now a day is the anniversary of the sudden and unexpected death of my dear and my youngest brother: Mansour Farzad. Honestly, I don’t remember this day, or more accurately, I don’t want to remember. Not really! I still do not want to believe his sudden death and heart failure after all these years. It may be self-deception, but it seems to me in that way.

I want to imagine him alive, I want to imagine the principles with which he came into politics, especially in this situation.

One of the most outstanding periods of his political activity is the period marked by the beginning of the period known as the “Second Round” of the struggle against the Islamic Republic. The people of Sanandaj along with the Komala armed forces, after a historic resistance known as the Twenty-Four Day War, finally failed to resist the atrocities and brutality of the regime forces amidst the shelling and mortar shelling of the city of Sanandaj. Mohammed Mai, known as “Kak Shwan” in the midst of fire and blood, broke the siege ring and took the command role in the retreat of the city.

The unspeakable crimes of the Islamic forces instinctively created a sense of revenge and cynicism about any “suspected” move or behavior, within opposition groups include among the ranks of Komala armed forces. “Gun Creed”, the spirit of revenge for the defeat in a failed resistance to stop Islamic regim´s manslaughter, had created misbelieve and suspicion in every move of “unfamiliar” human beings in the region. But Mansour had been active in the communist circles of the city of Sanandaj, long before and at the Monarchy rein. He was a defender of socialism principles and values. Those prejudices, that rose in defeat against the enemy, the sense of blind revenge, and the gun culture that was rooted in the pioneer tradition of Kurdish nationalism, did not work for him. Mansour was active in a unit of komaleh called “Martyr Saeed”´s unit, named after Mansour Behzad Motlaq (Saeed).

In the months following the city’s withdrawal, Komala forces stationed in the area, had noticed some non-local Gypsies. The mental conditions I mentioned above, made some people realize that they might be “spies”. They were arrested and interrogated and “investigated”. The painful thing was that some “self-declared” investigator justified the use of torture by the “revolutionaries”. There were hard and sharp debates over the principle of communists and human rights on the one hand, and advocates of the legitimacy of torture against suspects working with the regime, on another side.. One of those ardent defenders was Mansour. Eventually, the legendary military commander of Komala, Kak Shwan, came into the discussion with his resolute and uncompromising behavior and said frankly, without hesitation, that “The youngsters” were completely right with their clung on socialist Principles. The decision was made to release the detainees, but in the meantime, Ayub Nabavi, the popular figure of Komala, whose humanism has been translated into “liberal deviation” by the same defenders of torture, said: No, They should not be released for now. We have to take care of them for a while so that the effects of the beatings are eliminated, feeding them with good food and provide them clean clothes. It became as Ayub had ordered.

Mansour told me that a few months had passed since their release, when I felt someone was hitting my shoulder, I looked back and saw that was one of “them” being previously ”captive.” and now returned freely to us. He had said to Mansour when just facing him:

“I have come to fight for the ideas that you believe in.”

Dear Mansour!

In the current state of the world and in the region too, people are subject to widespread physical and psychological torture. Many are drowning in the seas to survive the bombing and suicide bombings of Islamists and Western governments have left the square open to racists, right-wing, fascists. and citizens are under the “unseen” and “ Democratic” tortures of the World Bank and Austerity policies. Hence the whole world has been subjected to the stress of physical and psychological torture.

Yes dear Mansoor! Many more honorable, innocent, hardworking people all over the globe are tearing apart without even looking like a “suspect” and their entire lives are ruined.

Dear Mansour! Come back, my brother and our comrade! Hundreds and thousands of people are queuing up, looking for people like you to show them the way to fight for human dignity and freedom from the yoke of capitalism.
My fair and justice advocate brother, my comrade during the difficult times of my struggle since the era of dictatorship and torture of CIA and Shah´s “Savak” , We really miss you.

February 2020

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